Monday, November 3, 2014

The World Needs a Savior

When you look at the way Christians preach the way they look at the world, it almost comes of as a way to finding the ultimate solution to every problem that the universe has to offer.  Knowing this and being a Christian I can easily tell on how this is pretty true.  In class we learned on we have some Christian theology and mentality are a pretty vital factor when it comes to being a part of an oligarchy society like the one in Caesar’s Column.   I once heard as a kid that the world does not have a voice of it’s own.  It cannot tell what it wants nor what it needs but it is always earning for something to point it in the right direction. Sort of like a Savior.  In this case Max is pretty much advocating himself to the savior of a very distraught and depressing civilization.  What makes the relationship between Max and Gabriel so much more interesting is that Gabriel viewpoint of the world does a complete 180 degree turn after his trip to the impoverished areas of New York.  It almost make me wonder what is going through the eyes of Gabriel when he sees Max almost as a holy savior along with his “church” known as the secret society.  It seems that the only person that anyone can save in this society is themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kenny!

    You caught my attention by relating the topic of christianity to yourself and how you agree with what we are learning. Skimming through the blogs, I noticed that a lot of people touched upon the topic of Christianity but didn't really express a disagreement or agreement with the material that we are learning.
    The fact that people are always "earning" for something to show them the right way is a great statement since it is entirely true. In the book this theme of saviors and which group is the right group plays a big role. I felt that the novel gets the readers confused on which side is the side that they should be rooting for. However, the novel makes the point that neither side is good but some might decide that the brotherhood "won" since there's a feeling of there must always be a side.

    Great Job!
