Friday, November 21, 2014

My Reflection of the Class

So looking at the blog assignment, we get to reflect on the course and express our opinions on it.  Well, here goes nothing.  During the course, I first found it difficult to maintain interest in the course because of let’s be honest, pure laziness out of my end along many other personal issues that needed to be attended too.  Once I started doing the readings and actually participated in class discussions.  I slowly started to see why this class could seem to be so controversial in the first place.  This class brings about a matter of opinions that help expand my way of the thinking on how society has evolved to where it is now, yet it can still remain corrupt in many different ways as well.  Although I have prevented myself from truly enjoying what Professor Rogers-Cooper message of society is for the class along with the countless opportunities that have I been given only to squander them because of once again, pure laziness out my end.  This class has actually been a pretty enjoyable class to attend. This class allows opinions to voiced while unknown facts to be stated, like for example, of China being a communist country, prevents any knowledge of the Riots that took place to ever be discovered or publicized by any means. This class has brought out voices that at time had to remain silent; Professor Rogers-Cooper has given open podiums and megaphones to utilize ours.  My only regret is that I failed to use mine when I was presented the opportunity.

Monday, November 3, 2014

The World Needs a Savior

When you look at the way Christians preach the way they look at the world, it almost comes of as a way to finding the ultimate solution to every problem that the universe has to offer.  Knowing this and being a Christian I can easily tell on how this is pretty true.  In class we learned on we have some Christian theology and mentality are a pretty vital factor when it comes to being a part of an oligarchy society like the one in Caesar’s Column.   I once heard as a kid that the world does not have a voice of it’s own.  It cannot tell what it wants nor what it needs but it is always earning for something to point it in the right direction. Sort of like a Savior.  In this case Max is pretty much advocating himself to the savior of a very distraught and depressing civilization.  What makes the relationship between Max and Gabriel so much more interesting is that Gabriel viewpoint of the world does a complete 180 degree turn after his trip to the impoverished areas of New York.  It almost make me wonder what is going through the eyes of Gabriel when he sees Max almost as a holy savior along with his “church” known as the secret society.  It seems that the only person that anyone can save in this society is themselves.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Let's Start a Riot!!!!!!!

When you think of the word, Riot, what do you normally think of? Some might say chaos, anarchy, disorder, and maybe even rebellion.  There are pretty much thousands of words that can justify the meaning of this four letter word.  It can bring up certain images that throughout history it stills creates the same feelings for those who were apart of it along with those who begin open up it’s textbook and start to places themselves in these events.  In reading about the flour riots of 1887, there seems to always be an inevitable stigma that appears to be unavoidable.  The stigma of being an insurgent.  The flour riots are a prime example of how those who were considered insurgents were being sort of led to martyrdom by not just dying for not only food but for their belief in equality.  All of this truly traces back to Manifest Destiny and its ideology of entitlement and power.  But what’s make someone entitled to something?  It seems that almost of these riots whether it’s the flour riots or even the Bread riots, there always seems to have this form of self-interest when it comes down to both the oppressed and the oppressors as well.  It almost makes me wonder what drives someone to say lets start a Riot instead of a peaceful protest, because as history clearly displays itself that no protest ever ends peaceful.